So, my father told me that I can't go home.  All I wanted was a place to stay while I work, but my father won't even allow that.  You know what my reaction to this is?  CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.  I've been applying for jobs then going to find a place to live for awhile.  It will only be 2-3 months.  Then I just as well may take off.  I need out of here.  My most prospective job is going to be a part-time job at Petco.  Let's hope.  I'm desperately waiting for the call.  They are hiring ASAP.  When I heard that it was like a prayer answered.  Now all I need is to get an interview, then the job.  So here I am...waiting.

I think that I may rent month to month a private room in on of the local hostels.  It was would be perfect.  $450 a month isn't bad for a full-furnished place.  I have a appointment with my advisor tomorrow at 10:30am.  I'm going to ditch class.  I'm getting out anyway.  It's scary, but exciting too.

I knew that moving forward would be difficult.  I just have to make it through the next few weeks.  Wish me luck.

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    My name is Darien Southall.  I'm 20 years old.  I've been searching for what will make me happy and I finally looked right in front of my nose.  For as long as I remember I've wanted to leave and just travel and travel.  I'm new at this, but I can't wait to learn on the way.  Thanks for the support.


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