So, it's not much but I am starting tedious process to be ready to leave America to travel around Europe...indefinitely.  It's something that I have always wanted to do and I am jumping in.  Ever since I decided to leave I've become more and more excited and I'm about to burst.  Before my extend trip to Europe, I am going to Italy to visit my older sister in Rome.  It'll be fun.  Maybe make connections before leaving in August.

Before leaving to live the nomadic lifestyle, I'll need to do some things in the next 7 months:

  1. Apply for EHIC (European Health Insurance Card).
  2. Find a job that will sponsor me for a work visa.
  3. Sign up for Global Freeloaders (worldwide free accommodation network).
  4. Buy my plane ticket (best to do so months in advance).
  5. Buy a rail pass (Eurail has good rates).
  6. Apply for a IDP (International Drivers Permit).
  7. Photocopy all important documents (then send them to mommy dearest).
  8. Get a TESOL ESL certification so I could teach English as a second language.
  9. Learn mixology (Bartending would be another good job).
  10. Make arrangements to stay with someone the first few weeks.

     It will take this long to check off this list AND finish the spring semester.  As much as I would love to drop out now I need to finish strong.  Even though I am completely unmotivated.  Let's hope I don't get distracted. 

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    My name is Darien Southall.  I'm 20 years old.  I've been searching for what will make me happy and I finally looked right in front of my nose.  For as long as I remember I've wanted to leave and just travel and travel.  I'm new at this, but I can't wait to learn on the way.  Thanks for the support.


    January 2014


    Check List